Take Action on Purpose

    Friday, August 24 2012

    The Power of Purpose

    When you want to make changes toward a healthier lifestyle, do it with purpose.

    What is your DRIVING purpose?
    It should be powerful enough to motivate you to action.

    • Live it, breathe it.
    • Know where you are. Follow a plan to achieve the goal.
    • Connect to your purpose then focus on it.

    As a Health Coach and Nutritional Therapist I support clients through a 21 Day Purification detox with specific food guidelines.
    I often get these types of questions: “Can I still drink coffee?” “Does that mean no wine?” I gently point out that it is only 21 days out of their lifetime and then ask again what is motivating them to do a detox and the result they want to achieve. What is their purpose and intention. I like this Zen quote about intention:

    Motivation is cultivating focus.
    Sit, walk or run but don’t wobble.

    We are truly a set of integrated systems that all affect each other.

    Taking action on your purpose is the only way to live it and breathe life into it.  Then BELIEVE you will get there.
    Know where you are, be motivated by your purpose then develop and follow a clear map to your goal.

    Do you know what SMART goals are? Specific/Measurable/Action oriented/Realistic/Time oriented
    How can you see real progress if you don’t have an objective measurement? If you cannot see progress you will ultimately give up.

    A client will say to me “I want to feel better” or “I want to tone up”. What exactly does that mean? How will you know you got there? Those are subjective statements. When I trained as a life coach I learned that you can objectify that by rating where you perceive you are now on a scale of 1 to 10. Then you can re-check that number down the road.

    So what is a goal you want to achieve?

    Measure how much you want it on a scale from 1-10.

    Would you benefit from pushing that number up a bit? Get a coach to support you. One month of progress makes a huge difference in your personal power.

    Get motivated, get focused, take action on purpose and be successful.
    Doesn’t get any better than that!!

    Contact Dorothy for more information about wellness coaching to help you stay motivated!

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