Wellness Coach
Power to Change Habits

As a health coach, I work with people who want to change habits and make healthier choices. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO CHANGE HABITS? I started looking for answers and had the good fortune to find Charles Duhigg’s book The Power Of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life And Business. Here is…Read the Rest »
Stress Management Through Self Empowerment

Stress comes in two forms. Eu-stress is the happy kind that creates energy and focus. Dis-stress is the not-so-happy kind that comes from feeling out of control, that life has control of you. A vital key to managing distress is to change your thinking, even if you cannot change the environment that is causing your…Read the Rest »
Take Action on Purpose
The Power of Purpose When you want to make changes toward a healthier lifestyle, do it with purpose. What is your DRIVING purpose? It should be powerful enough to motivate you to action. Live it, breathe it. Know where you are. Follow a plan to achieve the goal. Connect to your purpose then focus on…Read the Rest »
Working with a Wellness Coach
Wellness coaches operate from the perspective that clients have the wisdom and capacity to succeed at changing their habits and sustaining new behaviors. “Coaches help their clients clarify their thoughts and encourage them to come up with their own solutions,” says Dorothy Sager, a Seattle-based certified wellness coach and founder of the company Synergy Wellness…Read the Rest »
Are You Healthy in Six Dimensions?
When I was a kid there was a TV show called The Twilight Zone. Do you remember it? It was freaky science fiction about a dimension of time and space different from the one we live in day to day, but existing simultaneously. In considering your whole health, there are six recognized and simultaneous dimensions…Read the Rest »