Month: September 2020

Food After Water Fasting

Water fasting is about re-calibrating all the body systems. After fasting the taste buds are re-tuned and hyper sensitive and the sense of smell is acute. The digestive system is inactive and the elimination systems as well. Metabolism is slowed . The first food I put in my mouth after a 10 day water fast…Read the Rest »

Am I Losing Muscle During a Water Fast?

I am on Day 8 of a water fast. My body weight is 106 pounds, about 10 pounds less than when I started. Weight loss during a water fast comes from water, carbohydrate, fat and possibly muscle.  I want to know how much muscle loss happens and, ultimately, the best way to preserve it during…Read the Rest »

What happens during a water fast?

I am getting ready for something like Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride in the Reverse Universe for a few weeks and doing a supervised water fast. It is as much about resting from physical activity and normal daily stressors as it is about food. I learned about the science of water fasting from Dr. Rick Dina…Read the Rest »

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