Nutritional Coaching

    What, exactly, is the food YOU need?

    The nutrition our body gets depends on the food decisions we make every day at the grocery market, restaurants and at home.

    Nutritional Coaching is a comprehensive approach to evaluating your nutritional status and adjusting your diet based on your unique Bioindividual nutrient needs to support optimal health.

    Health is the result of a series of choices made and actions taken. Today, in the world of industrialized food, healthy eating and optimal nutrition do not happen by accident.

    Learn how to choose wisely, protect and restore your body and your health.

    Athletic Performance
    Nutrient balance, energy, hydration and recovery are the essential demands for high athletic performance, along with the commitment to training.

    Weight Management
    Eating whole, nutrient dense, properly prepared foods that are fresh, natural, properly grown, raised or wild harvested is essential to support healthy body tissue composition and nutrient balance. Avoiding processed or packaged foods is key as a guideline on the weight management pathway.

    Given proper digestion, eating unprocessed, freshly prepared food is optimal for weight management as well as providing the balanced nutrients for health. See the Raw Food Preparation page and the Resources page for links to more information.

    Healing from illness or injury
    The body is self-healing when given the correct support. Choosing foods wisely and learning to prepare them properly as part of the path can be pivotal for a client.

    It is no coincidence since 1950, as processed food proliferated, that cancer rates in the United States have steadily increased and are now at the highest point in history, as have rates for diabetes and heart disease. In the era around 1920 heart disease was comparatively rare in the US. These diseases as well as the obesity epidemic have proliferated along with the high carbohydrate and sugar, preservative loaded and chemically flavored fast food that our culture has come to rely on as a “time saver” or “convenience”.

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