Personal Chef and Nutrition Educator
As a personal chef I can prepare food for my clients in their homes and provide customized recipes for the specific diet plan that fits you. In my seminars I present demonstrations on whole food nutrition and I teach simple, delicious ways to improve the quality of your diet.
“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants” is a quote from Michael Pollan. Your nutrition needs are specific to you and we can determine those guidelines. Not all of us need to be vegetarians. Any food you eat should be as close to nature as possible when you eat it. The heavy processing of industrialized food makes it very unhealthy and reduces the nutrition it should be providing you. Humans on average as a race, die at or below half their potential life span from chronic illness that is largely diet and lifestyle related.
Fun Food Preparation Party
Invite some friends to your kitchen for a fun session of hands on food preparation. Eat as a group or take home food for the week.
Solo Kitchen Opus
A 4 week food preparation class. Each week features a different regional flavor like Italian, Moroccan, Thai, Greek…. Eat your way around the world with a tour guide, then travel solo with confidence in your kitchen skills.
Food preparation is a challenge for single person households. In a community kitchen people work together to create nutritious recipes, learn cooking skills and share the warmth and fun of preparing food. Just think, someone else does your dinner planning and grocery shopping for six weeks and in one evening of just over 2 hours you have fabulous, healthy food for several meals!