Restore Your Health
You Can Restore Your Health With Good Nutrition Did you know that 80% of your immune system is located in your gut? To be well and healthy you need to eat properly prepared, nutrient dense whole foods AND have efficient digestion. We do not eat what our bodies recognize as food. Processed food is not…Read the Rest »
Cleanse Your Body
What is cleansing? Cleansing is a practice used to promote health and healing by clearing toxins from the body. The concept of cleansing has a long history in natural medicine and has been practiced for thousands of years. What is common across all detoxification programs is that you will eat differently so that you can support…Read the Rest »
Doctors Want Education On Integrative Medicine

Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine – Dr. Andrew Weil Seattle Washington I had the good fortune to attend the opening sessions of the Nutrition and Health Conference in Seattle today. Dr. Andrew Weil launched this nutrition education conference for medical doctors ten years ago when just 21 hours of medical education in nutrition was recommended…Read the Rest »