Raw Food
Food After Water Fasting
Water fasting is about re-calibrating all the body systems. After fasting the taste buds are re-tuned and hyper sensitive and the sense of smell is acute. The digestive system is inactive and the elimination systems as well. Metabolism is slowed . The first food I put in my mouth after a 10 day water fast…Read the Rest »
Restore Your Health
You Can Restore Your Health With Good Nutrition Did you know that 80% of your immune system is located in your gut? To be well and healthy you need to eat properly prepared, nutrient dense whole foods AND have efficient digestion. We do not eat what our bodies recognize as food. Processed food is not…Read the Rest »
Making Plant Food Sing

Transforming healthy vegetables and fruits into delicious dishes is easy with the simple addition of a flavorful dressing. Make your own and enjoy preservative free, inexpensive and always fresh dressings. The culinary world names five flavors that speak to your palate and subsequently your brain translates the message as delicious or icky or somewhere in…Read the Rest »
Eating the Green Road for Health, Sustainability and Compassion

Compelling evidence about the benefits of eating a vegan diet. Humans are designed to digest both plant and animal foods. A completely vegan diet may not be the right path for everyone, however it has demonstrated the ability to restore and sustain health in surprising ways. These Standards were established at the International Living Foods…Read the Rest »
Your Stomach – The Inner Disco of Digestion
Last week in my blog Good Digestion Trumps Good Nutrition I talked about the effects of stress on digestion and how important it is to slow down and chew food before you swallow it. When food goes into the stomach an amazing sequence of events continues the digestive process. I was fascinated when I learned…Read the Rest »
TEACHING YOUR BODY TO BURN FAT The goal of eating and training is to shift your metabolic efficiency to using fat and preserving carbohydrates over a wide range of intensities. How you fuel your body has a direct impact on what it chooses to burn. The more simple carbohydrates you eat, the more your body…Read the Rest »