
Re-starting Your Metabolism After a Water Fast

One week post-fast, I’m noticing how the fast affected my strength and endurance. I’m in the process of base-building again, both cardiovascular and muscular strength. A water fast of longer than 5 days has dramatic effects on metabolism.  In that time tissue and liver stores of glycogen have been processed in the interest of maintaining…Read the Rest »

What happens during a water fast?

I am getting ready for something like Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride in the Reverse Universe for a few weeks and doing a supervised water fast. It is as much about resting from physical activity and normal daily stressors as it is about food. I learned about the science of water fasting from Dr. Rick Dina…Read the Rest »

Cleanse Your Body

What is cleansing? Cleansing is a practice used to promote health and healing by clearing toxins from the body. The concept of cleansing has a long history in natural medicine and has been practiced for thousands of years. What is common across all detoxification programs is that you will eat differently so that you can support…Read the Rest »

Lactate and Cyclists – Reduce Production or Increase Utilization?

How lactate really works When your body breaks down glucose for energy a by product of the process is lactate. During easy exercise efforts, your body recycles lactate back into energy.  At some point in increasing intensity or training duration the recycling does not keep up with production. Hydrogen ions are the real culprit The…Read the Rest »

Doctors Want Education On Integrative Medicine

Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine – Dr. Andrew Weil Seattle Washington I had the good fortune to attend the opening sessions of the Nutrition and Health Conference in Seattle today. Dr. Andrew Weil launched this nutrition education conference for medical doctors ten years ago when just 21 hours of medical education in nutrition was recommended…Read the Rest »

Protein Needs – The Reality Check or “Where Do Vegans Get Their Protein?

The question is a frequent one.   The real questions about protein in the diet should be:          How much protein should I eat?          What kind of protein is optimal for human health? Who is the beneficiary of the research that supports a nutrition statistic? Who makes the…Read the Rest »

Eating the Green Road for Health, Sustainability and Compassion

Compelling evidence about the benefits of eating a vegan diet. Humans are designed to digest both plant and animal foods. A completely vegan diet may not be the right path for everyone, however it has demonstrated the ability to restore and sustain health in surprising ways. These Standards were established at the International Living Foods…Read the Rest »

Take Action on Purpose

The Power of Purpose When you want to make changes toward a healthier lifestyle, do it with purpose. What is your DRIVING purpose? It should be powerful enough to motivate you to action. Live it, breathe it. Know where you are. Follow a plan to achieve the goal. Connect to your purpose then focus on…Read the Rest »

Working with a Wellness Coach

Wellness coaches operate from the perspective that clients have the wisdom and capacity to succeed at changing their habits and sustaining new behaviors. “Coaches help their clients clarify their thoughts and encourage them to come up with their own solutions,” says Dorothy Sager, a Seattle-based certified wellness coach and founder of the company Synergy Wellness…Read the Rest »


TEACHING YOUR BODY TO BURN FAT The goal of eating and training is to shift your metabolic efficiency to using fat and preserving carbohydrates over a wide range of intensities.  How you fuel your body has a direct impact on what it chooses to burn.  The more simple carbohydrates you eat, the more your body…Read the Rest »

SynergyWellnessNW is honored to be a sponsor of Team Jesse, THE RIDE

I am grateful for the opportunity to be a sponsor for Kevin Mincio and his support team on this profound demonstration of loyalty, commitment and heart. How deep would you go to honor your promise? Please look and be inspired…. Home

Report from the Women’s Sports Foundation 2009

I am a member of the American College of Sports Medicine.  They are an organization that is recognized as a resource of sports science research and information.   Women in Sports was a presentation last year at the national conferency by a Northwest researcher and academic icon, Dr. Barbara Drinkwater.  We have come a long way baby!!!!!  This is…Read the Rest »

Should you run barefoot or in high tech shoes???

Your body sustains less impact force when you run barefoot than when wearing running shoes.

At the Kirsten Wind Tunnel on my bike

At POTENTRx we are developing the most comprehensive bike fit possible.  Using 3D computer evaluation, lasers, video, portable oxygen uptake equipment and the wind tunnel to optimize your body position for minimal wind drag are all part of the options.  This is not a prohibitively costly procedure either, which is amazing in and of itself. …Read the Rest »

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